First random draw is comment # 15, that is Carol S

Second random draw is comment # 30, that is Shar

So if you would email me and I will get your sewing books in the mail next week.
sunnygalstudio (at) gmail (dot) com.
I will keep on the lookout for more of these Singer books and I suggest you check your local library system. Search "sewing" in the catalog and you will be quite amazed at how many they have. My county library system is very good and I put an on-line request whenever I see a new book that seems interesting, have it transfered to the hold shelf at my local branch and pick it up at my convenience. Use those local libraries so governments will know we treasure them! Confession I checked out the BurdaStyle book 3 times - remember this coat I made last year?
Also a quick search on Etsy (search words: Singer sewing book) yields a few of this series as well as quite a few vintage books. You can tell the books in this Singer series that I am referring to, they all have the same style cover, a photo superimposed with Singer in red and the title in white letters. There are a few copies available of "Sewing for the Home" and I can't tell you how many times I have referred to that one. It shows all the variations on decorative pillows, window coverings and comforters/bedspreads etc.
Thanks for all your great comments on my black tweedy plaid jacket and you have motivated me to do more process and technique posts in the upcoming months.
happy sewing, Beth
I'm so excited to have won the P&P book! I just sent you an e-mail. Thanks so much for the giveaway!